Bad at texting reddit

Bad at texting reddit. There’s literally no way to answer this question, idk why ppl ask this on Reddit. I’ve been in the hospital. It's hard not to get in my own head with this. Unless someone is on vacation, 2-3 weeks is ridiculous because then she expects you to wait until she feels like going out with you while receiving your undivided attention through text. Just asking him is your best bet. I wouldn't enjoy feeling bad every single time my phone pinged and I didn't immediately drop everything to attend to it. It's up to you whether that works for you or not, its very unlikely she'll change. then if they don’t reply for like 3 days you could send them another message, but don’t start assuming everything’s wrong or they don’t like you. it helps the message stay on top so i see it even if it Coming from the other side (I’m a bad texter), what I can say is that how much I text someone in no way reflects how much I value my relationship with them. I try to talk about stuff she posts on social media and I try not to force a dying convo. Ooh, got it. If someone can't stop themselves from freaking out or losing interest without constant written contact, I don't see how they'd be able to date me. Can usually go on and on, but the fact that he does respond does show that interest is there. But they never text back or take weeks to respond. The date went well but he’s really bad at texting (taking 8+ hours to reply) and really dry. That was my signal to just stop. I know she likes texting but we're just both kind of introverts and aren't the best at conversing. I suggest you recalibrate your own expectations and find something else to fill free your time between dates. I’m not looking for less than 1 min response or him being constantly on his phone, but he took 15 hours to reply to message of confirming the time and location of our date which made me end up almost cancelling. My SO is now travelling Asia and I know the most painful thing to do would be to text, or check out her social media posts. So if you like texting all day, that is fine. A lot of women are looking for servants or men who will wait on them. Or Director level. like to Don't text. With millennials and Gen Z, texting is almost required in order to get ahold of them. But the people that I am still close with know me and know that it can be hard for me. Phone calls every couple of days. You cant go against your energy. But understand that a guy can be into you and just not want to text all day. Drives me crazy having to wait for the end of the 5-6 text train. I guess the rule of “tennis” is quite a good one to follow as a rough guide. Just look at your situation and decide whether you trust that this girl actually likes you and is actually just a shitty texter or if she is playing you. I'm a dude who is horrible at texting, not only bc I hate it but also bc I never know how to text since I'm a more tonal person, im more of a 'hang in person' kind of guy. So, I just use texting to set up dates at first. Some people have VERY busy lives or they just dont like the idea of texting being on their phone constantly which creates a plateau in the conversation. Being bad at texting means I’m not going to message back and forth several times a day. This means if we don‘t want to answer right now (it probably won‘t give us de dopamine we crave haha), then we cannot bring ourselves to do it. Being a bad texter does not mean that you have adhd. UNLESS it's excessive like every other text "hello, did you read my last text kinda thing" etc. There are good texter, there are bad texter and everywhere in between, and know who your texting can change alot. 2-if you can't meet up give her a call to change things up, she'll like hearing your voice more than reading a text. You are bad at texting and if something seems like it has come across a bad way, you meant it in a good way. when we hung out everything was fine and he left and things seemed okay, then a couple days later his responding got so… slow, and we talked on the phone abt it and he said “i don’t care or like you any less than i did before, i just don’t text much” 1, don’t put this on yourself. I would only text a candidate if they texted me first or asked me to do so as a preferred communication method. Probably not for 8 hours, and would send a message if I couldn't chat right then, but I also wouldn't want to get locked into texting back and forth with an SO for an extended period of time when I'm out with friends. I can tell u wat has helped me is get out, talk to people, stay social, let ur energy naturally flow, you'll see what belongs to you will naturally come. However, when I text I am not always have to have the same energy and fun ober a text message as I do in person. yeah that’s what I was thinking but everywhere online people say don’t be texting buddies w girls and by giving her attention I will get friendzoned. However, he still continues to be bad at texting and recently went no contact for 5 days before popping back up saying “it’s been a while. People with adhd struggle often with procrastination and short term memory problems. I misspell a lot of stuff while texting for some reason. If you're not and it does matter - ie you actually want to talk about it - I'll expect you to text me to say so; then I'll happily talk about it. I mean, if it happens once-the double text- ok, but if it’s an constant thing then you need more hobbies and you need to find someone else that wants to co The key for me is if they are just bad a responding to text or just dont find talking to you interesting. Though as someone who's also a bad texter, I will say it generally becomes less of an issue once I'm in a relationship with a person. 24 votes, 22 comments. Period. Even if my crush is texting me, I still get annoyed if I have to be forever on my phone texting her back. I double text too sometimes, mostly at friends but yeah, don’t think it’s a bad thing at all. LEAVE THEM ALONE. On top of that, I'm introverted and have social anxiety. People didn't lose interest. Scrolling through social media and leaving dumb comments requires less mental energy/effort than reading a text and figuring out how to respond. To me, wanting to text every day, and expecting to get to know me through messages rather than hanging out in the real world, are examples of "bad texting habits". Therefore, I assume most people probably don't go deep and worry about double texts unless it's excessive. 6 years late but ill comment for anyone reading through this later. I have also seen the opposite, people that are great with texting, but boring and uninteresting in real life. In fact, I text less with the people who I consider really close friends because I feel like my relationship isn’t dependent on how often I talk with them. . subjective: "for me, texting too much is a red flag because I'm not much of a texter and I'm afraid that dating that person would require me to change my natural proclivities" not subjective: "texting too much is a red flag because anyone who texts a lot is emotionally unstable" This OP is an example of the latter Lately I've started "warning" potential dates that I've been identified as a bad texter. He'll read a message, think of a response, but forget to send it. If someone is showing a lack of interest, or is ‘bad at texting’ or doesn’t respond for hours. true. If you have no idea what happened, why do you blame yourself? 2, don’t assume. He warned me that he's bad at texting. Tell her how you do things and make it a conversation. I'd like to think my interpretation of body language is far better than my texting sensibilities. Yep, just once. For example on a reddit post on texting tips someone said this, “TEXTING DON'TS: Do not text her all day. Do you talk on the phone? It’s so much better for building a relationship than texting a bunch. I think being honest with people about it is the best way to feel better about it and even make it easier to text back when you're ready. Bruh I was doing same sht. Don't double text just simply people say they double text and get a date, and don't hold on texting just because people say "double texting is a big turn-off" to women neither Bad texting is just a way of saying “you aren’t responding fast/often enough and not giving me the amount of attention i want”. I'm so bad at texting/calling people back that I've lost touch with people that I wish I was still close with. Some may have phones that are annoying to text from. They were just about to text you but got distracted by something and think they actually sent the text For people with ADHD, they have to stop everything they’re doing to text you. After 2 years in the meat market, I am realizing texting mismatch is a major compatibility issue, and it's usually a power dynamic thing, where the person less invested in the relationship is the bad texter. I don’t see that as a bad thing personally. In the past year i have progress immensely and am now somewhat confident in an actual physical interaction, but the process of texting or messaging someone is always super scary for me. In 2022, can someone who's in their 20s, be bad at texting? I totally accept if someone doesn't want to text me, but it hurts when they lie. Also, just because someone’s on their phone doesn’t mean they’re actively checking texts or even want to check texts. Just be cool. There’s nothing like totally stressing out or overreacting because you’ve conjured a billion scenarios in your head. Some people are foreign and English may not be well enough to text comfortably. No facial expressions or tone to establish context. I don't want to be a bother and text him too much, but with the lack of messages, I can't help but feel like he's distancing himself. It's weird because on some days, I'm not affected by his bad texting habits, but on other days it completely ruins my day and This is not bad texting, this is ideal texting. As I get more comfortable around her, and know how our irl conversations go I am able to imagine our texts being irl conversations and then text what I would say if we were face to face. ” Should I continue giving him the benefit of doubt and believe he’s just a bad texter and was in the hospital? She seems a lot different when we text, short 5-word responses. 3-If she's texting in a way you find weird, odd or bizarre tell her, be gentle about it. I think talking on the phone vs texting really sets a man apart from the rest in my opinion- it makes it clear you are interested in getting to know the other person. Shes just bad at texting. It takes a lot of effort and anxiety for me to talk to people in general. +1. She's not afraid of initiating conversation or "double texting" so I think we're just bad at holding chats lmao. Both my boyfriend and me are both equally horrible texters (my best friend is as well) but the time we spend together is extremely fulfilling. Exception being if the conversation seems to be over and sending an OK or Yeah isn’t necessary. It gives us something to talk about on our dates. Texting is good for setting up dates and maybe some memes or banter, but not much else. I am bad at texting as well - much more of a face to face communicator. People can have a bad time, or even a bad week and just not respond, but you also don't want to harass people. I'm so over it at this point, if I want to text you, I'm gonna text you what I want, when I want and as much as I feel like… I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. i suggest talking to her in person about it ! communication goes a long way ๐Ÿค what has worked for me personally is : on IOS you are able to pin certain contacts at the top of the app. I also understand if someone's busy and can't text back soon. If a woman wants to text me all day, it is a turnoff because I feel she doesn't have anything going on in her life. I could be putting so much effort and time into my texts and a guy might think I’m still a shitty texter and vice versa. I know people text each other just casually, but I feel like I always have to have something to say/tell them before I feel qualified to text them. How are you. I also don't respond quickly or often to texts. I would then just set a schedule of looking at your phone once every four hours or something, respond to what is in the text and ask some questions or talk about your day. If a guy isn't texting you back promptly and claims to be "bad at texting," chances are that he's not lying, he's just got something else going on. Multi-tasking can be difficult, so they’re putting down their current activity to text you back. You can take 30 sec to ask someone out for date and then not text again until confirming the day of date that plans haven’t changed. I just want someone close whom I can talk with. Personally, I'm notoriously bad at responding to text messages, because if I'm busy I'll look at the text, tell myself I'll get back to it later, but without that little notification symbol I'll forget the text ever existed. The way I see it if somebody got something important to say they can call me or find me. Meanwhile they initiate conversations in a group text. We set up a second date last weekend, but she legitimately fucked up and was 2-hours late. I ended up texting him Me : I know you get busy through the week and aren’t the best at texting but I feel like I hear from you so little it feels like our interest levels aren’t the same I know things between us have only recently moved to a more intimate level, but I know that seeing and hearing from you so infrequently now that we’ve crossed that threshold won’t be good for me mentally. Let it go I did just that ,as I'm replying to this blog ,I'm on my way to deliver flowers to someone I just met . But I'm only speaking to my own experience and every case will be different. From my experience, and all of my friends experiences, no one has ever gone from a backup text interest into a fullblown relationship, not ever. And on two/three occassions, he did not text me all day. Do you mean bad at texting as in I misspell a lot of shit while texting or I'm just bad at responding to people in a timely fashion? I guess I'm bad at both. Might want to be sure she's not busy and can talk. It always hurts to say or hear, but when someone is truly interested, they will make time. i have close to 300 unread text messages. Know who your texting. Some days (not very often, but it has happened often enough that I feel that it's reasonable to be mad about it), he only manages to text me once. Texting is still bad but honestly if its meant to be it's going to work, if it doesnt work then there's probably nothing you could have done to change that fact anyway. Everyone is different…what I consider bad texting, someone might consider great texting. Some may not know how to respond to a text at that moment, or want to be rude and text in front of others. Most of all I want to stop feeling bad. Dec 7, 2023 ยท A “bad texter” is someone who takes a long time to respond to texts, fails to continue a conversation via text message, only provides short or one word responses, or frequently ignores texts from others without explanation. For instance I know someone I was trying to become friends with as we seemingly have alot in common. On the other hand, even the self-proclaimed "bad texters" initiated contacted frequently and rarely took hours to reply because they were just too happy to see my name on their phone screen. DONT GET ME WRONG IF MY EX CALLS OR REACHES OUT TO ME ,I WOULD I’d hate to text with you lol I have a Cap Mercury and will almost always text within 3 min to 5 hours depending on what I’m doing. When a guy consistently exhibited "bad texting" behavior, it almost always turned out he wasn't that interested. My opinion, above anyone that doesn’t respond within a day unless, you know, theft are traveling to the international space station or somewhere you know doesn’t have service. Bad idea, I know from experience, and take it from me, it makes the pain hurt more, longer and your feelings to get back will intensify. i think it depends. Country to popular reddit opinion, people like that do geniunely exist. To those with ADHD, this can be time/energy draining. I have girls send me snapchat everyday, initiate text, reply message, approach me at parties but still don't like me. I would also never text someone at the Sr. Texting sucks. But I think adhd can contribute a lot to being a bad texter. Worrying about your texting habits excessively is going to drive yourself insane and make you anxious and inauthentic when you text others. 30 years ago, texting wasn't a thing. - Do people understand that if you are "bad at texting" or "take days to respond", the only person you will ever be with is someone who doesn't care what you have to say? Or they might be with someone who prefers to have communication in person mostly and don't need to be talking on the chat to feel valued. Most people don't end a texting conversation because it'll be rude, but unless you're sure the girl is free and not doing work, texting her back and forth every minute will not only distract her from her work, but will also get her annoyed. Texting and real interactions are totally different and it is pretty normal. I also HATE the multiple text waterfall people. It is now officially on them to reach out. Instead, focus on being genuinely busy in life pursuing your own hobbies and goals, while interacting with people on the side. When I get a "double text", I really don't think about is this clingy/desperate etc. So when I text people (particularly people I don't know very well but want to be friends with), I can take hours to days to respond to someone. I’m not into tons of texting at all, and I honestly find it exhausting. my bf is horrible at communication we’re long distance, 19f and 21m, and i’m huge on communication i always say how i feel. com Nov 21, 2020 ยท Are they actually bad at texting or is it just an excuse? Here's how to identify a bad texter, and what "bad at texting" really means. like if you ask something and the person hasn't responded its a lil cringe to keep texting and texting, but if you're like having a convo its okay to send a couple in a row like thats how the normal flow of conversation works it also DEFINITELY depends on the preexisting relationship level you have with that person. See full list on elitedaily. Jul 26, 2017 ยท According to the men of Reddit, it depends. She was also difficult to talk to on Bumble, so I wasn't worried. Texting is normal, but it depends on the type of person being recruited. I really like this guy, but he's so bad at texting. So like, I won't text saying "how are you today", because instinctively ill presume you're the same as you were yesterday - or you're not but it doesnt matter. So you text them, they text you, you text them etc. You don't want to think of you as one of her girlfriends or texting buddies. Like is it too much to ask for a back and forth texting session? I have other friends but they're either married (and are even worse at responding to my messages) or they live 9272 miles away from me. i am aware it’s a struggle for me (ADHD symptom or not) and always try my best. Texting is easier for me because I can take my time to respond to someone. I will usually text a person first as a courtesy to make sure they got time for a phone call, but long text convos suck. 204 votes, 63 comments. Communication via distance has become SO common place, that people really forget that WAY more people are fine with a brief phone call to say good morning/night, and to verify plans, than need a CONSTANT link to their potential partner. I just have a difficult time with the virtual kb on my phone I guess. 4. I completely dislike this social construct of texting and dating. But in real life, I love to have a lively conversation, to ask questions and overall have a good time. I feel like people who generally suck at texting put more into the time that you’re actually spending together and that is more important. Their texting habits make it difficult to have meaningful communication. You should probably check how the other person reacts though, if they don’t text back or seem uninterested then maybe you should reconsider doing it again. eebozr usidsu fgdng komq yli nyv cmtg tdzju orahedr qgch